Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Union camp website done!

Phew! Finally completed union camp's website. Took me 2 nights n 1 whole day. My new record! Previous one took me 4 days... Here's a screenshot of it.

Colourful like siao... I tink e pic where the guys r strapped in balloons is darn farni..
People say it's smashing (ok not exactly their words) but I think it's rather unsophisticated. How I wish there is a true master who would nag at me for such lousy work. Fortunately Regina commented tat the website is taking forever to load. I discovered tat .png files r dinosaurs. Changed them to jpeg immediately which took me 3 hours to amend everything.

The bottom view of it. The website looks more vibrant with the tagboard and the testimony.. It was an idea tat came to me before I fell asleep...
My skill level upgrade leh.. New stuff I learnt were ASP form-mailing and using of rollover images. An impt relevation was tat a content rich website is better than mere pretty websites.. But I tink tat's an excuse for my lousy photoshop skills..

How I wish one day Shing would teach me something...


xin|i said...

congrats then =) haa... never thought u´ll actually blog. WELCOME to the world of blogging... haa..

Take care back there.

Justin said...

ha.. i tink i too eng nowadays.. u hav fun over there. Glad u havnt forget bout us..